It’s been a long year of work for sales tax managers, keeping up with the thousands of changes in sales tax laws that affect our businesses and clients. If you’re getting ready to leave your office for a few days to enjoy the holidays with friends and family, getting everything done before you leave is probably your goal. With sales tax filing dates scattered around Christmas and the last few days of December, it can be pretty hectic to get all of your work done before heading out to enjoy some time off—and it might even mean not taking as much time off as you should.
It doesn’t have to be this way. You can take time off and not worry about your sales tax filing and sales tax going off the tracks while you’re out of the office. There are steps you can take before you leave for the holidays to make sure everything will go smoothly while you are gone and you won’t come back to a disaster if you really let yourself enjoy your holiday. Organize with your other co-workers to clarify who is supposed to complete which tasks while others are out of the office. If you’ll be gone during a sales tax filing deadline time, leave clear, written directions for your coworkers on the steps to go through to complete sales tax tasks, even if you’ve done it with them before. Software like our FileLINK automates much of the work and makes it easy. If you can, check as much data for sales tax filing for errors before leaving on vacation.
If you work in a business where few sales will close while most everyone is on vacation, you might be able to prepare your filing before the period ends and simply double-check when you return that no other sales occurred while you were on vacation. Allow yourself to enjoy your time off and prevent yourself from thinking about sales tax while you’re out of the office. Working through your vacation cancels out whatever rest and relaxation you would gain. Our software makes it easy to leave sales tax filing up to someone else while you take a vacation.
Our program guides the user through all the steps it takes to complete a sales tax return without knowledge of how the process works, which is perfect for when someone who isn’t familiar with sales tax needs to step in to help out. If you’re regretting not taking a vacation while everyone else is out of the office, set up a free evaluation with us to see how we can help you get that vacation time in your schedule.